ORANJESTAD – Den un obra di gracia, coincidiendo cu “Thanksgiving”, Playa Linda Beach Resort recientemente a honra diesseis miembro balioso di nan team, kendenan cada un a yega un marcapaso di trabou di aniversario e aña aki. Un cena festivo marcando e ocasion recientemente a keda celebra na Palms restaurant na Hyatt Regency.
E hubiladonan di e aña aki ta representantenan veterano di e departamento di Housekeeping cu Maira Ridderstaat, Florencia “Gloria “ Koolman y Jolanda Roza un biaha reconoci pa nan carera di 30 aña na Playa Linda. Nan tabata entre e tantisimo hubilado di dobel digit unda Santo Rodriguez y Maria Matos a keda reconoci pa nan dedicacion exhibi den transcurso di un impresionante carera di 20 aña largo; Adilson Silva, Milda Ras, Luc Broekman, Nigaima Ascencion y Pedro Partidas reconoci pa nan contribucion atrabes di un carera di 15 aña; y Jomar Abian galardonado pa 10 aña di excelente trabou. Similarmente balioso miembronan di team, cu a desplega abilidadnan resaltante durante 5 aña di servicio na e resort, ta Reidson Costa, Laura Sanchez, Sebastian Cardenas, Mario Tromp y Aldrick Krozendijk.
E celebracion di Thanksgiving en grupo ta ofrece e oportunidad pa tanto e cara como e tras di cortina, bin hunto den un celebracion intimo, cu hubiladonan representando e diferente departamentonan, incluyendo Housekeeping, Maintenance, Grounds, Front Office y Human Resources. Cada hubilado ta parti importante di e team como tambe un altamente balora miembro di e famia di Playa Linda. E nucleo di e mision di e resort semper tabata pa crea un ambiente di cas leu di cas tanto pa miembronan doño di timeshare como invitadonan pero tambe pa esnan cu a scohe pa haci un carera na Playa Linda.
Henter aña largo, empleadonan ta ser brinda oportunidad di entrenamento, evento di team building y excursionnan como reconocimento y oportunidad pa desaroya nan mes. Tur tres di e housekeepernan conmemorando 30 aña a sa di subi pa rangonan di lider y tene posicionnan supervisional.
E evento di Thanksgiving tabata e culminacion di diferente manera den cual reconocimento y gratitud ta keda expresa na miembronan individual di ekipo. Durante di e recien cena di Thanksgiving, cada empleado un biaha mas ta keda reconoci y entrega un plakaat pa conmemora nan hopi aña di fiel servicio excelente.
In an act of “Thanksgiving”, Playa Linda Beach Resort recently honored sixteen of its valued team members, who are each hitting a milestone work anniversary this year. A festive meal marking the occasion was recently held at Palms restaurant at the Hyatt Regency.
Honorees this year are veteran representatives of the Housekeeping Department with Maira Ridderstaat, Florencia “Gloria “ Koolman and Jolanda Roza once again recognized for their 30-year careers with the Playa Linda. They were among the many double-digit anniversary celebrants, with Santo Rodriguez and Maria Matos recognized for their dedication exhibited over an impressive 20-year career; Adilson Silva, Milda Ras, Luc Broekman, Nigaima Ascencion and Pedro Partidas recognized for their contributions over a 15-year career; and Jomar Abian recognized for 10 years of excellent work. Similarly valuable team members, who have displayed outstanding abilities over 5 years with the resort, are Reidson Costa, Laura Sanchez, Sebastian Cardenas, Mario Tromp and Aldrick Krozendijk.
The group Thanksgiving celebration provides the opportunity for the front- and back-of the house to come together in a smaller setting, with honorees representing different departments including Housekeeping, Maintenance, Grounds, Front Office and Human Resources. Each honoree is an important part of the team as well as a treasured member of the Playa Linda family. At the core of the resort’s mission has always been to create a home away from home environment not only for timeshare members and guests but also for those that have chosen to pursue a career with the Playa Linda.
Throughout the year, employees are provided training opportunities, team building events and outings as well as recognition and the opportunity to grow. All three of the housekeepers marking 30 years have ascended to leadership roles and hold supervisory positions.
The Thanksgiving event was the culmination of different ways in which recognition and gratitude are expressed to individual team members. During the recent Thanksgiving meal, each employee was once again recognized and provided a plaque to commemorate their many years of exceptional service.