Aruba Airport Authority N.V. (AAA) ta recorda tur usuario di aeropuerto cu actualmente ta parkeer den e “wild parking areas” manera indica den e potret, cu desde Diadomingo awor 1 di December 2019 e no lo ta posibel mas pa parkeer den e area.
E seramento di e area aki cu a wordo anuncia na final di October 2019 ya a cuminsa y e area a cuminsa wordo sera cu baranca durante e ultimo simannan. Riba Diadomingo 1 di December 2019 e areanan cu no a wordo sera ainda lo sera oficialmente pa 00:00 di madruga.
Despues di e fecha menciona tur vehiculo cu ta staciona ainda den e area lo por wordo saca dor di tuma contacto cu nos oficina di Customer Service na 524.2424 of nos oficina di Traffic na 524.2116 of 524.2471 pa asina por asisti pa e vehiculo por wordo saca for di e areanan. Aceso na e area lo no wordo permiti abou di ningun circumstancia despues di 1 di December, 2019. Asistencia lo ta solamente disponibel pa saca vehiculonan di e areanan.
Si tin usuario cu ta desea di parkeer den e “covered’ of “uncovered staff parking”na AAA mester manda un peticion na b.brown@airportaruba.com of r.winklaar@airportaruba.com lo mas pronto posibel.
Reminder to all airport users
“Wild parking areas” will be closed off as of December 1st, 2019
ORANJESTAD – Aruba Airport Authority N.V. (AAA) hereby reminds all airport users who currently park in the “wild parking areas” as indicated in the picture, that as of coming Sunday, December 1st, 2019 it will no longer be possible to park there.
The closing that was announced at the end of October 2019 has been ongoing already and the areas in question have been closed off with boulders partially during the past weeks. On Sunday December 1, 2019 the openings that remain will be closed off completely at 00:00 hrs.
After the mentioned date all vehicles that are still parked in that area can be removed by contacting either our Customer Service office at 524-2424 or our Traffic Attendants office at 524-2116 or 524-2471 in order for us to assist with opening the closed of areas. This will only be for removing of the vehicles. No entry for parking and/or staging in that area will be possible under any circumstance after December 1, 2019.

If airport users wish to use the covered or uncovered staff parking at AAA, a request must be sent to b.brown@airportaruba.com or r.winklaar@airportaruba.com as soon as possible.