ORANJESTAD, Aruba – 8 Juni 2021: Pa honra Dia Mundial di Medio Ambiente, AHATA su comision di medio ambiente a tene un beach clean-up na Costa Norte. Miembronan di comision a participa cu famia y colega, y Rotaract Club y Interact Club tambe a duna un man na Boca Grandi y Grape Field.
A dividi 45 boluntario den team chikito y a cuminsa di banda oponente di otro y a ruim op ful e area te ora cu a yega bek na e prome entrada di Boca Grandi. E material mas prominente den e 50 saconan colecta tabata diferente tipo di plastic. Como un muestra di gradicimento, e boluntarionan a ricibi un certificado di participacion di AHATA.
AHATA su comision di medio ambiente ta consisti di boluntario activo y cu amplio experencia den nan profesion. E boluntarionan ta di e companianan miembro di sector priva y fundacion. Nan meta ta pa crea interes pa e 4 R-nan: Reduci, Reusa, Recicla y Reutilisa den e sector comercial, gobierno, y publico en general y pa mehora e consentimento ambiental.
E ta crucial pa nos cuminsa realisa con fragil nos sistema ecologico ta y tuma medidanan preventivo pa proteha y recupera especie cu ta den peliger di disparce. E tema di Dia Mundial di Medio Ambiente tabata restauracion di sistemanan ecologico, cual a crea un bon oportunidad pa e comision yuda combati e problema aki. Manteniendo nos beachnan limpi ta un manera simpel pa proteha Aruba su especienan marino.
AHATA Environmental Committee cleans North Coast beaches on World Environment Day.
ORANJESTAD, June 8, 2021 – To honor World Environment Day, the AHATA Environmental Committee held a North Coast beach clean-up on Saturday. Committee members participated with family and coworkers, with assistance of Rotaract Club and Interact Club. The clean-up lasted two hours and took place at Boca Grandi and Grape Field Beach. The 45 volunteers split into smaller teams and began from opposite sides of the beach and worked their way to the first entrance of Boca Grandi. Plastics were among the most often detected items in the 50 bags gathered. As a token of appreciation for their efforts, volunteers received a certificate of participation from AHATA.
AHATA Environmental Committee consists of active and experienced volunteers from member companies such as hotels, public and private organizations, and foundations that work together to improve environmental awareness and promote the four R’s: Reduce, Reuse, Recycle, and Repurpose. With marine waste being a big issue, particularly on our island, this year’s World Environment Day theme, “Ecosystem Restoration,” gave a perfect opportunity for the committee to contribute to marine ecosystem restoration efforts. It is critical that we recognize and cherish our fragile ecosystems and take preventative measures to aid in the recovery of many species on the verge of extinction. By keeping our beaches clean, we give the surrounding coastal and aquatic species a chance to recover.