DAO: un encuesta riba nos yiunan di tera cu a termina nan estudio den exterior y a regresa Aruba/DAO launches a survey on how returning Aruban graduates assess their journey back to Aruba

ORANJESTAD – Departamento di Labor (Directie Arbeid & Onderzoek – DAO) ta pidi bo cooperacion pa participa den e encuesta. E encuesta su meta ta pa haya informacion di e Arubianonan cu a gradua den exterior den e ultimo 15 añanan y cu a tuma e decision di regresa Aruba.

E decision pa keda den exterior of regresa Aruba no ta un decision facil. Asina mes, hopi studiante ta opta pa keda den exterior. E encuesta su meta principal ta pa colecta informacion tocante e experiencia positivo y menos positivo durante proceso di regresa. Esaki lo por yuda identifica e posibel factornan cu lo por motiva e futuro graduadonan di afo pa regresa Aruba y tambe e lo identifica ki area e graduadonan kier wak mehoracion aden.

Con por yuda?

E encuesta aki ta dirigi na e graduadonan Arubiano cu a gradua den exterior den e ultimo 15 aña. Ta posibel pa yena e encuesta si bo persona a gradua entre 2004 y 2019 den exterior. Ta importante pa remarca cu e encuesta lo keda anonimo y lo uza e datonan di resultado solamente pa e metanan di investigacion. 

E encuesta lo ta disponibel desde awe te cu 13 december 2019.

Por yena e encuesta for di e siguiente link:


DAO ta solicita tur esnan cu ta cumpli cu e criteria, pa participa na e encuesta. Danki di antemano pa bo cooperacion. Pa mas informacion por yama 5237720 y pidi pa un empleado di Bureau Arbeidsmarktonderzoek of por manda nos un e-mail na julie.kelly@aruba.gov.aw of na returngraduates@gmail.com.

DAO launches a survey on how returning Aruban graduates assess their journey back to Aruba

ORANJESTAD – The Department of Labor and Research (DAO) is requesting your cooperation to participate in a survey. The survey aims to gather information on Aruban graduates that had made their decision of moving back to Aruba to pursue their professional career. The survey will be available for all Aruban graduates who graduate abroad in the last 15 years to fill out.   

The decision of choosing to stay abroad or to move back is not easy. Still, several students chose to stay abroad. The Survey’s key objective is to gather comprehensive information on what positive and less positive experiences Aruban graduates have during their journey back to Aruba when they choose to do so.  This may identify possible factors to motivate future Aruban graduates from abroad to move back. Additionally, it will provide clarity on which area Aruban graduates wish to see improvement in.  

How can you help?

This survey is aimed at Aruban graduates who have graduated in the past 15 years. If you obtained your degree between 2004 and 2019 abroad, then you are eligible to fill the survey. This survey will be completely anonymous and the results will be used for research purposes.

Participation is allowed starting from now until December 13. 2019.

Please click on the link below to fill in the survey. 


The Department of Labor and Research encourages all who comply with the criteria to participate. We thank you in advance for your cooperation. For more information or if you have any question, you could call the following phone number 5237720 and ask for an employee of the Unit labor market research (Bureau Arbeidsmarktonderzoek) or sent an email to julie.kelly@aruba.gov.aw or returngraduates@gmail.com.


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