Oranjestad – Como parti di e iniciativanan di promocion di inversion di Aruba, Departamento di Asuntonan Economico, Comercio y Industria (DEACI) ta organisa ‘Aruba Investment Summit 2021’. E cumbre importante aki di tres dia, lo tuma luga virtualmente riba dianan 31 di mei, 1 y 2 di juni 2021 y ta inclui oradornan internacional, tambe e miho lidernan, ehecutivonan y comerciantenan local.
Tocante ‘Aruba Investment Summit 2021’
E cumbre aki tin como obhetivo pa atrae inversionistanan local y di exterior, poniendo Aruba den centro di atencion como un destinacion di inversion, enfocando riba e oportunidadnan comercial den e Sectornan Prometedor di Aruba. Esunnan cu lo atende e cumbre aki lo haya un conocemento profundo di e proyectonan di inversion na Aruba, posibilidadnan di ‘test hub’, testimonionan, contactonan valioso y mucho mas.
Programa di tres dia
Mas di 10 experto, lider, ehecutivo y comerciante di empresanan local lo comparti nan conocemento tocante inversion na Aruba. Esunnan cu lo atende e cumbre aki tambe lo ta inspira door di e orador principal cu ta un persona mundialmente conoci, sr. Bradley J. Sugars, propietario, autor y business coach di e compania multi miyonario di ActionCOACH y CEO di mas di 9 compania. E oradornan lo comparti nan conocemento tocante e creacion di un economia mas sostenibel pa nos pais Aruba mediante su Sectornan Prometedor y e oportunidadnan comercial cu esaki tin pa ofrece na inversionistanan local y di exterior.
Registra awe mes
Durante ‘Aruba Investment Summit 2021’, tur cu lo atende lo siña tur e ‘ins and outs’ tocante con pa haci negoshi na Aruba, e Sectornan Prometedor y e oportunidadnan comercial cu nos pais tin disponibel. Pues, por conecta, network y siña. Pesey, no perde e oportunidad aki! Registra awor via https://hopin.com/events/aruba-investment-summit-2021.
Oranjestad – As part of Aruba’s Investment Promotion initiatives, the Department of Economic Affairs and Industry (DEACI) is organizing the Aruba Investment Summit 2021. This important three-day event will take place virtually on May 31, June 1 & 2, 2021, and includes international speakers as well as Top Local Leaders, Executives and Entrepreneurs.
About the Aruba Investment Summit
This Summit aims to attract both local and foreign investors by putting Aruba in the spotlight as an investment destination, and highlighting the many business opportunities in Aruba’s Promising Sectors.Attendees will get in-depth knowledge about investment projects on Aruba, test hub possibilities, testimonials, make valuable contacts, and much more.
Three-day Program
Over 10 Experts, Leaders, Executives and Entrepreneurs from top local businesses will share their investment insights of Aruba. Attendees will also get inspired by world-renowned keynote speaker Mr. Bradley J. Sugars, owner, author and business coach of the multi-million dollar franchiseActionCOACH, and CEO of more than 9 companies. Speakers will share their knowledge on creating a more sustainable economy through Aruba’s Promising Sectors and the business opportunities this offers both local and foreign investors.
Register today
At the Aruba Investment Summit 2021,attendees will learn all the ‘ins and outs’about doing business in Aruba, thePromising Sectors, and all the business opportunities available. In a nutshell, theywill be able to connect, network and learn. Therefore, don’t miss this opportunity!Register today at https://bit.ly/3o1a0tA.