Iniciativa di Ministerio Federal di Economia aleman pa ofrece solucionan accesibel y ecologico
EAGLE BEACH, Aruba – Maarrt 29, 2021 – Bucuti & Tara Beach Resort ta e orguyoso anfitrion di e delegacion Aleman di ingenieronan, arkitectonan y otro expertonan di solucionnan sostenibel cu a bin Aruba pa presenta na e German Green Technology Conference 2021, Smart Buildings for Sustainable Caribbean Islands. Expertonan distingui a reuni Maart 24 pa discuti e posibilidadnan y potencial di reduccion di energia y e costonan di edificionan sostenibel.
“Nos ta honra cu e grupo prestigioso aki a escohe nos como hotel. Cada presentador ta representa un ehempel exitoso ei solucionnan sostenibel cu por wordo aplica na Aruba of internacionalmente,” Ewald Biemans, doño/CEO di Bucuti & Tara Beach Resort, ta splica. “Sostenibilidad no ta un opcion mas den nos estado actual di calentamento global y ta sumamente importante pa nos uza tur oportunidad pa siña con pa protea nos medio ambiente pa futuro generacion.”
Biemans, kende ta reconoci mundiamente como un di e pioneronan di sostenibilidad, tawata un presentador na e conferencia. E la comparti su experiencia den haci su hotel e prome, y te ainda unico, hotel certifica Carbon-Neutral den Caribe. Como visionario di e hotel mas eco-certifica di Caribe, Biemans a splica e beneficionan medioambiental cu ta proporciona tanto na nivel local como global.
E conferencia a enfoca riba perspectivanan tecnologico pa hotelnan, oficinanan, aeropuertonan y edificionan residencial. Participantenan por a tende e debatenan di e grupo di expertonan y tambe nan por a participa den sesionnan individual cu funcionarionan di gobierno, expertonan y companianan Aleman y Caribense.
Pa Bucuti & Tara su Sustainability and Environmental program: www.bucuti.com/resort/eco-friendly.
Bucuti & Tara Proudly Hosts Green Technology Experts
German General Federal Ministry of Economics initiative to offer affordable, green solutions
EAGLE BEACH, Aruba – March 29, 2021 – Bucuti & Tara Beach Resort is the proud host of the German delegation of engineers, architects, and other experts on sustainability solutions who were in Aruba to present at the German Green Technology Conference 2021, Smart Buildings for Sustainable Caribbean Islands. Distinguished speakers and experts gathered on the island on March 24th to discuss the possibilities and energy-saving potential of sustainable buildings.
“We are honored to be chosen to host this prestigious group, with each speaker a success story and expert achiever in sustainable solutions that can be applied in Aruba and globally,” shares Ewald Biemans, Owner/CEO of Bucuti & Tara Beach Resort. “Sustainability is no longer an option in our current state of global heating and it is important that we have the opportunities to learn how to protect our environment for future generations.”
Biemans, who is widely recognized as one of the Caribbean’s most noted eco-pioneers, was a speaker at the conference. He shared the journey to becoming the first, and still only, certified Carbon Neutral-Hotel in the Caribbean. As the visionary of the Caribbean’s most eco-certified hotel, Biemans spotlighted the environmental benefits it provides both locally and globally.
The conference focused on technology perspectives for hotels, offices, airports, and residential
buildings. Participants could hear expert panel discussions and join in one-to-one networking sessions with attendees, government officials, world-class experts, and leading companies from Germany and the Caribbean.
For Bucuti & Tara’s Sustainability and Environmental program: www.bucuti.com/resort/eco-friendly.