ORANJESTAD – “Manera indica na Oktober 2020, cadakwartaal nos lo actualisa nos pronostico di varios aña. Den e prome kwartaal di 2021 nos ta mira un recuperacion mas slow di loke nos a premira na Oktober pa e añanan nos dilanti. Nos ta sigui den contacto diario cu nos partnernan den e industria di aviacion y turismo pa adapta y cambia nos pronostico(nan) si ta necesario. E pronostico aki ta basa riba tur informacion cu nostin te cu awe. E pronostico di varios aña ta keda fluido y nos lo keda haci nos maximo esfuerso pa yuda Aruba den surecuperacion necesario,” asina Joost Meijs, CEO di Aruba Airport Authority N.V. (AAA) a indica.
Na final di 2020 Aeropuerto di Aruba ta spera di a procesaaproximadamente 430,000 Revenue Generating Passengers (RGP) (e cantidad final lo bira conosi den e siman nos dilanti). Esaki lo nifica un recuperacion di 34% di RGP cu a wordoprocesa na Aeropuerto di Aruba na 2019. Basa riba e network cu Aeropuerto di Aruba su aerolineanan partner y basa ribainformacion ricibi for di asociacionnan di e industria di aviacion(IATA, ACI, ICAO, etc.) Aeropuerto di Aruba a determina supronostico actualisa pa e añanan na caminda pa loke ta e cantidad di pasahero cu lo sali for di Aeropuerto di Aruba(Revenue Generating Passengers).

Aruba Airport Authority N.V. (AAA): Updated four-year outlook for traffic recovery at AUA Airport
ORANJESTAD – “As indicated back in October 2020 we would prepare a multiyear forecast every quarter. In this first quarter of 2021 we foresee a somewhat slower recovery than what we estimated back in October for the years ahead. We continuously engage daily with our partners in the aviation and tourism industry to adapt and change our outlook(s) if necessary. This forecast is based on the insights and information we have today.The multiyear outlook remains fluid and we will continue to do our utmost to help Aruba in its much-needed recovery,” said Joost Meijs, CEO of Aruba Airport Authority N.V. (AAA).
At the end of 2020 AUA Airport is now expected to handle a total of approximately 430,000 Revenue Generating Passengers (RGP) (the actual amount will become known the coming week). This would account for a recovery of 34% of RGPs that were handled at AUA Airport in 2019. Based on the network with AUA Airport’s airline partners and based on the insights of the aviation industry associations (IATA, ACI, ICAO, etc.) AUA Airport has determined its updated outlook for the years ahead for the number of passengers that will depart from AUA Airport (Revenue Generating Passengers).

As can be seen AUA Airport estimates at this time that it will recover 34% in 2020, 46% in 2021, 68% in 2022, 78% in 2023, 84% in 2024 and 90% in 2025. This means that AUA Airport has adjusted its forecast for the year 2020 from a 37% recovery to a 34% recovery. For the year 2021 this has been adjusted from a former 52% recovery to now a 46% recovery. The remaining years AUA Airport is yet confident that AUA Airport will reach the indicated recovery percentages versus the year 2019. The latter will fluctuate as the years come closer and AUA Airport has much better insights into the recovery of its airlift for those years.