Na Aruba Bank N.V. nos ta haci tur locual ta na nos alcance pa sigura e bienestar di nos clientenan y nos empleadonan door di limita contacto fisico. En conexion cu e situacion di e Coronavirus (COVID-19) y pa practica cautela nos a tuma e decision pa sera nos sucursal na Hato pa servicio “face-to-face” temporalmente, desde 9 di september, 2020 te cu 18 di september, 2020.
E servicionan den e area di Self-Service na Hato y e facilidadnan di Safe-locker den e sucursal lo ta habri den siman te cu 2:00 pm.
Pa bo bienestar nos ta urgi pa haci uzo di e siguiente servicionan disponibel:
Aruba Bank Online
Aruba Bank App
Online Application Forms
Opcionnan di Self Service
Servicionan di Drive Thru
Video Banking
Deposit-on-the-Go pa servicio Corporativo
Nos lo sigui publica informacion valioso. Bishita nos aki pa mas noticia y ultimo desaroyo www.arubabank.com/corona-news of sigui nos ariba social media pa keda bon informa.
Danki pa e lealtad continuo.
Aruba Bank N.V.
At Aruba Bank N.V. we care deeply about doing what we can to keep our customers and employees safe by limiting physical contact. In response to the ever-changing Coronavirus (COVID-19) situation and for the safety of our customers, employees, and the general public we have decided to temporarily close our Hato Branch for face-to-face services from September 9th, 2020, until September 18th, 2020.
The Hato self service area and the Safe-locker facility inside the branch will remain open weekly until 2:00 pm.
For your well-being we urge you to use the following self-services:
Aruba Bank Online
Aruba Bank App
Online Application Forms
Self Service Options
Drive Thru Services
Video Banking
Deposit-on-the-Go for Corporate Services
We will continue publishing more valuable information. Visit our news and updates page www.arubabank.com/corona-news or follow us on social media to stay well informed.
Thank you for your continued loyalty.
Truly yours,
Aruba Bank N.V.