ORANJESTAD – Aruba Airport Authority N.V. (AAA) su “Wings of Hope” orguyosamente a haci un donacion di 217 pakete cu material di scol y 160 voucher pa uniform na Departamento di di Asunto Social (DSZ).
Como parti di AAA su proyecto pa sostene comunidad cu a inicia 1 di Juni, 2020 cu e meta pa asisti y sostene rond di 70 famia cu ta den necesidad, AAA ta sostene 217 studiante tambe door di haci un donacion di materialnan pa Back-To-School.
AAA conhuntamente cu DSZ lo yuda 217 studiante cu ta atendiendo diferente scol incluyendo kleuter, basisschool, MAVO, HAVO y EPB cu nan materialnan di scol y vouchers pa uniform. Cada studiante lo ricibi un rugtas of maletin nobo hunto cu su materialnan basico rekiri pa cada grado di scol. Adicionalmente, 160 studiante lo ricibi vouchers di uniform cu nan por usa na e compania asigna na nan.
Apesar di e efectonan di COVID19, AAA ta kere cu e ta su deber y responsabilidad pa yuda esnan cu na e momentonan aki ta den un situacion dificil y cu mas a wordo afecta door di e crisis y esaki ta inclui e muchanan tambe.
Durante e entrega di e materialnan di scol y vouchers pa uniform na DSZ, AAA su CEO Sr. Joost Meijs a expresa su gratitud na DSZ pa nan esfuersonan continuo y dedicacion na e comunidad di Aruba y pa hasi e donacion aki posibel hunto cu “Wings of Hope”. ‘Eta un honor pa nos por asisti unda cu nos por apesar di e circumstancianan y spera cu otro organisacionnan tambe por hasi mesun cos. Hunto nos tur lo lanta bek riba pia’ tabata palabranan di Sr. Joost Meijs.
Thanks to AAA’s “Wings of Hope” Back-To-School Project: 217 students will receive new school supplies
ORANJESTAD – Aruba Airport Authority N.V.’s (AAA) “Wings of Hope” proudly donated a total of 217 school supplies and 160 uniform vouchers to the Department of Social Affairs (DSZ) on Tuesday August 25th, 2020.
As part of a community support project by AAA which started on June 1st, 2020 with the purpose to assist and support around 70 families who are in great need, AAA also supports 217 students by donating their Back-To-School supplies.
AAA has partnered up with the Department of Social Affairs (DSZ) to provide a total of 217 students who are attending different school grades including kindergarten, elementary school and high school with their school supplies and uniform vouchers. Each student will receive a brand-new backpack or briefcase and school materials which are required for their specific school grade. Additionally, 160 students will also receive a uniform voucher to be able to pick-up their uniforms at a designated uniform company.
Despite the devastating effects of COVID19, AAA still strongly believes that it is AAA’s duty and responsibility to help those who are currently struggling and have been hit the hardest by this crisis and this includes kids as well.
During the handover of the school supplies and uniform vouchers to DSZ, AAA’s CEO Mr. Joost Meijs expressed his utmost gratitude towards DSZ for their continuous efforts and dedication to the community of Aruba and for making this possible together with “Wings of Hope”. “It is an honor for us to be able to assist where we can despite the circumstances and hopefully other organizations can do the same. Together we will make sure we all get back on our feet” said Mr. Joost Meijs.