Dos (2) empleado di oficina na Aruba Bank N.V. na Hato a test positivo pa e virus di COVID-19. E empleadonan na e momentonan aki ta den isolacion y a cera e luga afecta pa un limpieza profundo.
Nos ta sigui e direccionnan recomenda di Directie Volksgezondheid (DVG) y otro autoridadnan di salud publico pa desinfecta e espacio y e areanan comun.
Mientrastanto nos a identifica y a notifica esnan cu tabata den contacto cercano cu e empleadonan pa duna nan mas informacion riba e pasonan pa wordo tuma y a instrui pa nan keda den cuarentena pa (diescuater) 14 dia.
Aruba Bank ta sigui mantene uso di “mondkapje” obligatorio den tur sucursal y demas medidanan preventivo, manera distanciamento social y cantidad di persona limita den sucursal y oficina.
Tur nos ATM’s, Smart Deposit Machines y Night Depositories lo ta operacional manera custumber. Nos ta sigui brinda servicio na nos clientenan via nos Contact Center (527- 7777) (di 8:00 am te cu 6:30 pm) y via nos website (www.arubabank.com)
Nos ta urgi nos clientenan pa uza e servicionan disponibel via Aruba Bank Online, Aruba Bank App, Video Banking, ATM’s, servicionan via Drive Thru, Night Depositories y areanan di Self-Service.
Nos ta desea nos empleadonan tur cos bon pa un recuperacion completo y rapido y nos a ofrece nos sosten na e empleadonan y famia.
Bishita nos na www.arubabank.com/corona-news pa mas informacion y update frecuente.
Important Announcement
Two (2) office employees at Aruba Bank N.V at Hato have tested positive for the COVID-19 virus. The employees are currently in isolation. The bank immediately closed the affected location for thorough cleansing.
We follow recommended guidelines from Directie Volksgezondheid (DVG) and other public health authorities to disinfect the space and common areas.
In the meantime, we have identified and notified those who came into close contact with the employees to provide more information on steps to take and to instruct them to self-quarantine for (fourteen) 14 days.
Aruba Bank continues to maintain the mandatory use of masks in all branches and other preventive measures, such as social distancing, limiting the amount of persons in branches and offices at any given moment.
All our ATM’s, Smart Deposit Machines and Night Depositories will remain operational as usual. We will continue to deliver services to our customers via our Contact Center (527 7777) (from 8:00 am until 6:30 pm) and via our website (www.arubabank.com)
We urge our customers to use services available via Aruba Bank Online, Aruba Bank App, Video Banking, ATM’s, services via Drive Thru’s, Night Depositories, and/or Self-Service areas.
We wish our employees all the best for a full and quick recovery and have offered our support to employee and family.
Please visit www.arubabank.com/corona-news for more information and frequent updates.