Durante e siman di 10 di juli di aña 2023, Joost Meijs CEO di Aruba Airport Authority N.V. kende alabes ta presidente di Dutch Caribbean Cooperation of Airports (DCCA), conhuntamente cu Joanne Christiaans, Program Manager, a bishita e cinco islanan ruman di Caribe Hulandes pa reafirma e compromiso di DCCA un bes mas. A realisa e bishita hunto cu e gerentenan y e operadonan di aeropuerto di cada isla y a combersa cu diferente stakeholders involucra den e industria di aviacion.
Diferente socio importante, manera funcionario gubernamental, Ministerio di Turismo, Oficina di Turismo, e autoridadnan di aviacion civil y e aerolineanan a pone nan mes up to date riba e desaroyo dentro di DCCA, e trabou realisa te cu awo y loke cu ainda falta pa haci. Tambe a combersa tocante e metanan di termino cortico y e metanan di termino largo teniendo na cuenta e proximo DCCA Conference – A Flight to the Future cu lo tuma luga den luna di november na Corsou. Durante e conferencia aki lo haci tres anuncio importante cu lo fortalece e compromiso di DCCA pa logra e meta final cu ta un interconexion interinsular accesibel, eficiente y sostenibel a traves di aviacion.
“Como DCCA nos no ta busca unicamente beneficio a largo plaso di nos esfuersonan pero tambe beneficio a corto plaso. Conhuntamente cu e stakeholders interesa den nos industria, nos lo tuma medida pa e conexionnan aereo entre e islanan bira mas accesibel di loke e ta caba. Como grupo nos tin e necesidad pa haci un intento di haci cu e tarifanan di e aerolineanan ta mas abou y balansa nan mas cu por”, asina Joost Meijs a duna di conoce. “Nos mester inverti den e esfuerso a corto plaso aki y nos lo disfruta di e cantidad halto di trafico cu esaki lo trece den futuro, cu na mes momento lo trece un impacto social positivo pa tur e islanan envolvi.”
Ademas DCCA tabatin varios encuentro hopi positivo y solidario e dianan 18 y 19 di juli cu diferente ehecutivo cu ta forma parti di varios stakeholders importante di Aruba manera Minister di Turismo y Salud Danguillaume Oduber, CEO di Aruba Tourism Authority Ronella Croes, Minister di Transporte, Integridad, Naturalesa y Asuntonan di Adulto Mayor Ursell Arends y e director di Departamento di Aviacion Civil Aruba, Edwin Kelly.
Durante e diferente reunionnan, e socionan di DCCA a presenta un estadistica extenso di e situacion actual di DCCA, incluyendo su ultimonan plannan estrategico y e desaroyonan den e area di biahe electronico. E ultimo aki principalmente cu e pensamento pa haci e conexionnan di vuelo entre e islanan CAS y BES mas sostenibel pa untermino largo. Tambe a combersa tocante e grupo cu ta trahando riba un Joint Strategic Plan den cuadro di DCCA.
E bishitanan realisa na e diferente islanan di Caribe Hulandes a pone cu e stakeholders di DCCa ta mas cerca di logra nan meta. Fomentando conexion mas fuerte entre e islanan, DCCA ta habri caminda pa un futuro mas briyante yena cu colaboracion y un sin fin di posibilidad.
Aruba Airport as part of the Dutch Caribbean Cooperation of Airports (DCCA) reaffirms its commitment to the DCCA objectives.
ORANJESTAD – During the week of July 10, 2023, Aruba Airport Authority N.V.’s CEO, Joost Meijs, President also of the Dutch Caribbean Corporation of Airports (DCCA) and Mrs. Joanne Christiaans, Program Manager, visited all five sister islands in the Dutch Caribbean to reaffirm the commitment of the DCCA once again. Together with the airport manager and operators of each respective island, visits and talks were held with numerous stakeholders on each island involved in the aviation industry. Important partners such as Government officials, Ministries of Tourism, tourism offices, civil aviation authorities, and airlines were brought up to speed about the development within the DCCA, the work that has been accomplished up to now and what is still in the pipeline. Short term goals and long-term goals were also extensively discussed considering the upcoming DCCA Conference – A Flight to the Future that will be held in November in Curacao. During said conference three important announcements will be made which will further fortify the commitment of the DCCA to reach the end goal of more affordable, efficient, and sustainable inter island connections through airlift.
“As DCCA we are not only looking at the long-term gains of our efforts but also at the short-term wins. Together with our industry stakeholders we will be taking steps towards making the airline connections between the islands much more affordable than is currently the case. As a group we need to make a serious attempt at making the applicable tariffs for airline operators lower and harmonize these as much as possible,” according to Joost Meijs. “We need to invest in this effort in the short term and will enjoy the high volumes of traffic this will create in the future which in turn will have a very positive social impact for all islands involved.”
The DCCA also had very positive and supportive meetings on July the 18th and 19th with executives of important stakeholders of Aruba, namely with the Minister of Tourism and Health, Mr. Danguillaume Oduber, CEO of the Aruba Tourism Authority, Mrs. Ronella Croes, the Minister of Transport, Integrity, Nature and Senior Affairs Mr. Ursell Arends, and the Director of the Department of Civil Aviation of Aruba, Mr. Edwin Kelly
During the various meetings the DCCA partners presented an extensive account of the current situation at the DCCA, including its latest strategic plans and developments in the field of electric flying. The latter mainly in the context of making the flight connections between the CAS and BES islands in the Dutch Caribbean more sustainable in the long term. The working group that is working on a Joint Strategic Plan for this within the framework of the DCCA, was also extensively discussed.
The visits effectuated to the various islands within the Dutch Caribbean has brought the DCCA stakeholders even closer to achieving its goals. By fostering stronger connections between the islands, the DCCA is paving the way for a brighter future filled with endless collaborative possibilities.