ORANJESTAD – Recientemente e team di Aviation Business Development di Aruba Airport Authority N.V. (AAA) a atende e prome conferencia di Connect New World, cu a tuma luga na Santo Domingo, Republica Dominicana. E conferencia a dura tres dia y tabata dedica specificamente na desaroyo di ruta di y pa the Americas y Caribe.
Barbara Brown, Chief Revenue Development & Communications Officer di AAA y Jo-Anne Meaux-Arends, Aviation Business Development Executive di AAA, representando Aeropuerto di Aruba, a uni na diferente aerolinea y aeropuerto como tambe varios ehecutivo encarga pa tuma desicion den area di aviacion y turismo cu e meta pa conecta y impulsa e futuro di aviacion den e region specifico aki.
Afitrionnan di e conferencia tabata Ministerio di Turismo di Santo Domingo, Vinci Airport y e aeropuerto di Santo Domingo hunto cu diferente sponsor y colaborador di e evento. Aeropuerto di Aruba tabata un di e socionan di e evento inaugural di Connect New World den e region.
Connect New World a duna AAA e oportunidad pa reuni cu varios socio den e industria cu ta apoya e actividadnan di desaroyo comercial di aviacion na Aeropuerto Internacional Reina Beatrix. Ademas, e conferencia a trece oportunidad pa crea contacto nobo y desaroya esunnan existente.
“A realisa mas di 15 reunion cu aeropuerto, aerolinea, proveedor den e industria y compania di FBO charter. E reunionnan aki a presenta diferente oportunidad nobo y punto di bista dentro di e industria den region y loke ta mas importante, pa yuda promove e relacionnan existente cu e aerolineanan cu nos ta asocia na dje y proyecta demas relacion nobo dentro di e industria di aviacion”, asina Jo-Anne Meaux-Arends a duna di conoce.
“Durante e evento a cristalisa un long-pursued route cu lo duna resultado den un ruta nobo pa e airlift di y pa Aruba. Lo anuncia esaki fin di e aña aki. Algun otro socio nobo di aerolinea a comparti nan vision strategico pa futuro cu ta inclui posibel operacion di y pa Aruba na aña 2024 y 2025. E partnernan existente tambe a comparti e frecuencianan adicional cu lo inclui den e temporada di winter 2023-2024 y mas”, asina Meaux-Arends a finalisa bisando.
“Cu un tamaño considerabel y su enfoke regional, Connect New World a demostra di ta pas perfecto cu Aeropuerto di Aruba, caminda e relacionnan entre e aerolineanan y e socionan di e industria por sigui den un ambiente intimo y relaha. E reunionnan cu e teamnan adecua di e aerolineanan y e socionan den e industria a duna inicio na conexion nobo y a duna un empuhe na e conexionnan actual di AAA. Ademas, e evento tabata un oportunidad perfecto pa un isla insular den Caribe, manera Republica Dominicana, pa exhibi su mes dentro di e region como un destino turistico”, asina Barbara Brown a comenta.
Durante e conferencia, a tene diferente presentacion di e oradornan como tambe panel di discusion cu e lidernan den e industria y a brinda diferente air service development master classes. E temanan di e industria cu a discuti tabata relaciona cu e temanan manera oportunidad pa low-cost carriers den “the Americas”, conectividad regional y con pa garantisa un turismo sostenibel.
Connect New World lo bira e conferencia di desasaroyo di servicio aereo di mas nobo, dedica specialmente na e region Caribe y Latino America. Aeropuerto di Aruba ta orguyoso di por a forma parti di e conferencia inaugural organisa na Republica Dominicana como un socio di e evento. AAA ta spera di por asisti na mas di e conferencianan aki den futuro.
AUA Airport attends Connect New World 2023
First regional air service network conference
ORANJESTAD – The Aviation Business Development team of the Aruba Airport Authority N.V. (AAA) recently attended the first Connect New World conference held in Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic. A three-day conference geared specifically to route development in and for the Americas and the Caribbean. Mrs. Barbara Brown, Chief Revenue Development & Communications Officer and Mrs. Jo-anne Meaux-Arends, Aviation Business Development Executive, on behalf of AAA, joined airlines, airports, and tourism decision makers to connect and drive the future of aviation in the specific region.
The conference was hosted by the Ministry of Tourism of Santo Domingo, Vinci Airports and Santo Domingo Airport together with various sponsors and partners of the event. AUA Airport was one of the event partners at this inaugural Connect New World in the region.
Connect New World provided AUA Airport the opportunity to meet with several industry partners which support AUA Airport’s aviation business development activities. In addition, the conference brought opportunities for creating new and further developing existing networks.
“More than 15 meetings were held with airports, airlines, industry suppliers, and FBO charter companies. These meetings presented new opportunities and insights within the industry in the region and most importantly to help foster existing relationships with our airline partners and forge new ones within the aviation industry”, said Mrs. Meaux-Arends. “During the event a long-pursued route was finally crystallized and will result in a new route for the airlift to and from Aruba, which will be announced at the end of this year. Other new airline partners shared their future strategic vision which includes possible operations to and from Aruba in 2024 or 2025. Existing partners also shared additional frequencies that will be included in the upcoming winter season 2023/2024 and beyond.”
Mrs. Brown: “With its considerable size and its regional focus Connect New World has proven to be a perfect fit for AUA Airport where airline and industry partner relationships can continue to be nurtured in an intimate and relaxed setting. Meetings with the right teams of airlines and industry partners has initiated new connections and grown current connections even further for AUA Airport. The event itself is also the perfect opportunity for an island nation in the Caribbean, this time being the Dominican Republic, to show case itself within the region as a tourism destination.”
During the conference several keynote speaker presentations along with panel discussions with leaders in the industry were held, and air service development master classes were provided. The
industry topics that were discussed were related to subjects such as opportunities for Low-Cost Carriers in the Americas, regional connectivity, and ensuring sustainable tourism.
Connect New World is set to become the newest air service development networking conference geared especially to the Caribbean and Latin America region. AUA Airport is proud to have been part of this inaugural conference held in the Dominican Republic as an event partner and looks forward to attending more of these in the future.