ORANJESTAD – Aruba Airport Authority N.V. (AAA) a ricibi bishitadi e miembronan di “Royal Institute of Engineers” (KIVI) Caribbeanpa un presentacion y un tour. KIVI Caribbean ta conta cu mas di 40 ingeniero na Aruba y Corsou y su meta ta pa stimula enseñansacontinuo entre su miembronan.
Angeline Flemming, Director of Health, Safety and Sustainability naAAA, a ricibi e diesdos participantenan di KIVI. Flemming a papiatocante e rol importante di AAA pa e bienestar y progreso di e comunidad di Aruba.
Christine Kaarsbaan-Leo, Sustainability and Health Manager na AAA, a duna un presentacion tocante e actividadnan di CorporateSocial Responsibility y e metanan y e plannan cu AAA tin pa 2023, enfocando riba e proyectonan di SDG cu tin un impacto positivo y duradero pa e comunidad di Aruba. Ademas el a elabora tambe tocante e importancia cu e certificacionnan tin pa Aeropuerto di Aruba y e rekisitonan necesario cu mester existi pa por logra ediferente nivelnan.
Raymond Croes, Mechanical Engineer na AAA, a presenta e proyectonan di AAA cu a contribui pa reduci consumo, incluyendo Building Management Systems pa monitor e sistemanan di servicio publico di AAA. Ademas Raymond a presenta e plannan y e proyectonan di AAA cu lo sigui contribui na e operacionnan di aeropuerto di un manera mas sostenibel den futuro, concentrando riba e implementacion di sistema pa aumenta eficiencia.
Rubiela Lampe-Chiquito, miembro di e hunta di KIVI KringCaribbean, a splica e meta di KIVI mas detaya, pa crea un red y transferi conocemento na e miembronan di KIVI cu ta residencia den Caribe. KIVI tin e meta pa logra esaki door di organisa varios actividad mensual relaciona cu e tema di ingenieria. Den nomber di KIVI Caribbean, Rubiela Lampe-Chiquito a gradici AAA pa e oportunidad pa siña mas tocante e proyectonan di sostenibilidad y e proyecto di expansion di Gateway 2030 cu ta andando.
Tur participante a haya un recorido door di e Utility Building di aeropuerto, pa por a conoce y haya sa mas tocante con ta monitor econsumo total di aeropuerto y garantisa un operacion continuo.
KIVI Caribbean visit and tour of Aeropuerto Internacional Reina Beatrix
ORANJESTAD – On May 9, 2023, Aruba Airport Authority NV (AAA) received a visit from members of “Koninklijk Instituut van Ingenieurs” (KIVI) Caribbean for presentations and a tour. KIVI Caribbean comprises of more than 40 engineers in Aruba and Curacao and has as objective to stimulate continuous learning amongst its members.
KIVI’s twelve participants were welcomed by AAA’s Director of Health, Safety and Sustainability, Angeline Flemming, who elaborated on AAA’s vital role to the wellbeing and progress of the community of Aruba. Christine Kaarsbaan-Leo, AAA’s Sustainability and Health Manager, presented AAA’s Corporate Social Responsibility activities of 2022 and AAA’s Goals and Plans for 2023, focusing on SDG projects that have a lasting positive impact for the community of Aruba. In addition, she also elaborated on the importance of certifications for Aruba Airport and the necessary requirements that need to be in place to achieve different levels thereof.
AAA’s Mechanical Engineer (Maintenance) Raymond Croes presented AAA’s projects that contributed to lowering consumptions including Building Management Systems for monitoring purposes of the AAA’s Utility systems. Additionally, Raymond presented AAA’s plans and projects that will continue to contribute to more sustainable Airport operations in the future, focusing on implementation of systems to increase efficiency.
Rubiela Lampe-Chiquito, a KIVI Kring Caribbean board member, explained the KIVI goal more in detail, namely, to create a network and transfer knowledge to KIVI members residing in the Caribbean. KIVI aims to achieve this by organizing various monthly activities related to engineering topics. On behalf of KIVI Caribbean, Mrs. Lampe-Chiquito thanked the AAA team for the opportunity to learn more about the sustainability projects at AAA and the ongoing Gateway 2030 expansion projects.
All participants were given a tour of the Airport’s Utility Building, where they were able to see firsthand how AAA monitors the airport’s overall consumption and guarantees operational continuity.