E barku di Marina Hulandes Zr.Ms. Holland, nabegando bou di bandera di Wardacosta di Caribe Hulandes, den e ultimo dos siman di desember a interseptá dos transporte di droga den laman Caribe. E asina yamá go-fasts a wòrdu detecta pa e avion di patruya di Wardacosta. Mesora Zr.Ms. Holland a wòrdu activá pa bai interseptá e go-fasts. A lansa e boto rápido di e Holland ku a alkansá e go– fastnan. E sospechosonan y e contrabanda a wòrdu traspasá pa e outoridatnan di Aruba.
For di òktober 2022 Zr.Ms. Holland ta fungi komo stationschip‘ den e area di laman di Caribe e ta traha na turno paWardacosta di Caribe Hulandes of huntu ku WardcostaAmericano. Cu e dos ultimo intersepshonnan di droga e total di contrabanda ku Zr.Ms. Holland a interseptá ta yega un total di mas cu 10.500 kilo. En total e stationsschepen a interseptá masku 35.000 kilo den 2022.
Zr.Ms. Holland onderschept ruim 1000 kilogram contrabande
Het Nederlandse marineschip Zr.Ms. Holland, varende voor de Kustwacht Caribisch Gebied, heeft in de laatste week van december twee drugstransporten onderschept in de Caribische zee.
De zogeheten go-fasts werden ontdekt door het maritieme patrouillevliegtuig van de Kustwacht Caribisch Gebied, waarna Zr.Ms. Holland werd geactiveerd. Met de snelle onderscheppingsboot van Zr.Ms. Holland werden de go-fastsachterhaald.
De verdachten en de contrabanden zijn overgedragen aan de autoriteiten op Aruba. De drugs zijn inmiddels vernietigd.
Zr.Ms. Holland is sinds oktober 2022 als stationsschip Caribisch gebied actief in de regio en werkt afwisselend samen met de Kustwacht Caribisch Gebied en de Amerikaanse kustwacht. Met deze twee drugsonderscheppingen komt het totale aantal kilogram contrabande dat door Zr.Ms. Holland is onderschept op ruim 10.500 kilogram. In totaal hebben de stationsschepen in 2022 ruim 35.000 kilogram drugs onderschept.
Zr.Ms. Holland intercepts more than 1000 kilograms of contraband
The Dutch navy ship Zr.Ms. Holland, sailing for the DutchCaribbean Coast Guard, intercepted two drug shipments in theCaribbean Sea in the last week of December.
The so-called go-fasts were discovered by the maritime patrolaircraft of the Dutch Caribbean Coast Guard, after which Zr.Ms. Holland was activated. With the fast interceptor boat of Zr.Ms. Holland, the go-fasts were intercepted.
The suspects and the contrabands have been handed over to theauthorities in Aruba. The drugs have since been destroyed.
Zr.Ms. Holland has been active in the Caribbean region as theDutch Marine station ship since October 2022 and alternatelyworks for the Dutch Caribbean Coast Guard and with the US Coast Guard. With these two drug interceptions, the total number of kilograms of contraband that Hr.Ms. Holland hasintercepted is now more than 10,500 kilograms. In total, theDutch Station Ships have intercepted more than 35,000 kilograms of drugs in 2022