ORANJESTAD – Fundacion Parke Nacional Aruba (FPNA) ta mira bek riba un aña cu a pasa unda a realisa hopi avanse pa conservacion di Aruba su patrimonio natural. Cu e establecimento di Parke Marino Aruba, y pronto 16+ arean di naturalesa adicional pa wordo maneha na 2020, e trabaonan di conservacion ta aun mas compleho y ta trece mas desafionan cu FPNA lo enfoka riba nan den e aña benidero.
Service Level Agreement
Na augustus ultimo, FPNA a fortifica lasonan entre Gobierno di Aruba firmando un “Service Level Agreement” (SLA). E proposito di e SLA ta pa yega na un acuerdo ariba e trabounan y esfuersonan cu FPNA ta eherce pa asina logra su metanan statutario. Adicionalmente, e SLA ta implica cu FPNA lo responsabilisa su mes cu e tarea di conservacion y proteccion di areanan cu ta asigna na FPNA, incluyendo investigacionnan cientifico encuanto nos biodiversidad cu lo bai man den man cu e educacion riba conservacion di nos naturalesa na comunidad den su totalidad.
Traspaso tereno di Boca Prins
Un otro paso grandi pa FPNA tabata e traspaso di un tereno priva na Boca Prins na September ultimo, cual tawata tin un duracion di aproximadamente 2 aña, pero cu un resultado positivo pa cual Directiva di FPNA lo sigi sondia e posibilidad pa continua adkiri otro terenonan priva situa den Parke Nacional Arikok pa asina garantisa e conservacion y maneho di e area importante aki.
Proyecto Educacion Naturalesa y Medio Ambiente
Durante e luna di december a realisa e proyecto piloto di Educacion di Naturalesa y Medio Ambiente (ENM), cual lo wordo implementa den 2020/2021 como parti di curiculo nacional pa educacion primario. E proyecto piloto ENM ta encera 3 tema: Desperdicio, Biba Saludabel y Flora & Fauna. E scolnan selecta pa forma parti di e projecto piloto aki ta, St. Jan Kleuterschool, Colegio Laura Wernet- Paskel, Cacique Macuarima y Scol Primario Cacique Aterima. Bishita FPNA su website pa lesa mas detayes di e projecto piloto y e diferente temanan aki.
Junior Rangers
Un bes mas a organisa dos junior ranger camp exitoso pa muchanan entre 9 cu 12 aña. FPNA ta sumamente content cu 4 di nos Junior Rangers a logra atende un programa na Bonaire organisa dor di Dutch Caribbean Nature Alliance (DCNA). Durante e programa nan por a elabora riba diferente topico ambiental cu e otro participantenan y a keda inspira pa sigi trese cambio akin a nos isla di Aruba.
Botanical Garden
Un convenio a ser firma durante e luna di September pa asina traha riba un projecto pa un jardin botanico. E jardin botanico lo ensera varios flora local cu lo trese diferente sondeo scientifico y conservacion cune unda cu por usa e jardin botanico como fuente di educacion, inspiracion y bienestar di nos comunidad.
Shoco Conservation
Den e luna di november, pa di tres aña consecutive, e tremendo team di voluntario di Shoco (Aruba burrowing owl), a sigi ricibi training den ramo di conservacion di shoco. A ricbi bishita di expertonan di Merca y remarcabel cu a ricibi scientificonan di Venezuela pa asina conhuntamente siña un poco mas. E projecto aki ta den colaboracion cu Aruba Birdlife Conservation unda a logra instala tambe varios neishi artificial rond di nos isla.
Orario di Dianan di Fiesta
FPNA kier a gradici empleado, voluntario y comunidad di Aruba completo pa nan apoyo y sosten durante e aña aki y ta recorda tur hende cu conservacion di Aruba su naturalesa ta responsabilidad di nos tur. FPNA lo tin orarionan adapta di operacion durante dianan di fiesta. Tur persona cu ta desea pa bishita Parke Nacional Arikok ta compromete nan mes na un tarifa di conservacion di Afl. 5.00 pa adulto of Afl. 28.00 pa un jaarpas, muchanan bou di 18 aña ta gratis. Nos ta desea e comunidad di Aruba Felis dianan di Fiesta y un prospero Aña 2020!
Aruba National Park nearing the end of 2019:
Conservacion of Aruba’s Nature is the Responsibility of all of us
ORANJESTAD – Fundacion Parke Nacional Aruba (FPNA) is looking back at a year where there were many advancements made in regards to conservation of Aruba’s Nature. With the establishment of the Marine Park, and soon to be added 16+ nature areas in 2020, the conservacion work to be done will be complex and will bring its challenges that FPNA will focus on during the new year.
Service Level Agreement
Last August, FPNA entered into an agreement with the Government of Aruba, signing a Service Level Agreement (SLA). The purpose of the SLA is to reach a consensus on the tasks and efforts that FPNA is reposible for in order to reach its statuary goals. Additionally, the SLA implies that FPNA will take full responsibility with the task of conservation and protection of nature areas of management assigned to the foundation including scientific research on biodiversity which goes hand in hand with conservation education to the community at large.
Purchase of Private Land at Boca Prins
Another positive step for FPNA this year was the purchase of a private land at Boca Prins that was effectuated last September. With such a positive result, FPNA will continue its efforts and look at the possibilities to acquire other private lands within the borders of Arikok National Park to guarantee the conservation and management of this nature reserve.
Nature and Environment Education
During the month of December the pilot project for Nature and Environment Education (NEE) was realized. The pilot project will be implemented as part of the National curriculum for primary schools with pilot schools St. Jan Kleuterschool, Colegio Laura Wernet- Paskel, Cacique Macuarima and Scol Primario Cacique Aterima. The pilot project covers three themes: Waste, Healthy Lifestyle and Flora & Fauna. Visit our website to read more details on the pilot project.
Junior Rangers
This year again two very successful junior ranger camps were organized for Aruba’s youth of
9-12 years old. Four of FPNA’s junior rangers were so lucky as to attend an informative nature exchange on Bonaire in October, courtesy of the organizer the Dutch Caribbean Nature Alliance (DCNA). They had the opportunity to engage and discuss different environmental topics with the youth of four other islands and were inspired to make a difference when back home.
Botanical Garden
In 2019 FPNA agreed to start developing a botanical garden from the already existing collections at Hofi Shon Shoco and Cunucu Arikok. The future botanical garden will hold and display documented collections of locally relevant living plants for the purposes of scientific research and conservation, and for the education, inspiration and wellbeing of the community at large.
Shoco Conservation
In November – for the third year in a row – the team of Shoco (Aruba burrowing owl) volunteers was further trained in Shoco conservation. Experts from the USA joined in and played a supportive role, while budding scientists from Venezuela also came to learn from our successful joint-project with the Aruba Birdlife Conservation. Numerous artificial burrows were installed all over the island, including at golf courses and the marine barracks, some of which welcomed their first baby owls this year.
FPNA would like to extend its gratitude to all employees, volunteers and community of Aruba for their support during this past year and extends its message to everyone that conservation of Aruba’s nature is the responsibility of all of us. FPNA will have revised operating hours this holiday season. Everyone who would like to visit the national park is subject to a conservation fee of Afl. 5.00 for adults or Afl. 28 for a yearpass, kids under 18 years are free of charge. We would like to wish everyone Happy Holidays and a Prosperous New year 2020!