ORANJESTAD: Diamars atardi Minister Endy Croes tabata presente na International School of Aruba pa e ceremonia di graduacion di 42 studiante cu a finalisa e ‘General Educational Development (GED) program’ exitosamente. Hunto cu director di e scol sr. Dennis James Willeford,Minister Endy Croes a haci entrega di e diploma na e graduadonan. Un ceremonia cu a trece hopi alegria tanto pa e studiantenan como nan mayornan cu ta sostene nan yiu.Durante e anochi ameno aki Minister Endy Croes tabatin e honor di hiba un discurso pa e graduadonan.
Discurso di Minister Endy Croes na e graduadonan:
Where there’s a will, there’s a way. I will not rest until I make it.There is no stopping me. 4D.
These are 4 short sentences that came to my mind, when I was thinking about what to share with you today. Thank you for having me to celebrate this special occasion with you. For the last two years International School of Aruba have not been able to have a graduation ceremony, so this one is really special for the 42 graduates and their loved ones.
I am very honored to stand before you in my capacity as Minister of Education and Sports, to deliver a short speech.
The 4 sentences I read a minute ago, are sentences that came to my mind when I thought about what to share with you today, as the main topic I had in my head, was determination.
You are determined individuals. Determined and successful young men and women. I am sure that your family and friends can identify much of this determination in you, because you made it! Those of you receiving your diploma’s this evening are a good example of what determination is about. Because you have a ‘will’, you did not rest until you made it, and there was no way stopping you. 4D. The Dutch language barrier was certainly not there, because you completed this program in English. Be proud of yourself. I know, I am so proud of each one of you this evening.
I took a quick look at the website of the GED-program, and I was inspired by the testimonials of your GED students. As a lover of Sports, of course my eyes fell immediately on a testimonial of a sports man, your former student, Joshua Simon. He shared his story, that he was advised by an agent while he was playing basketball, to join the GED program. He said:
“Before I started with the GED program, I was struggling at Colegio Arubano and could not make it to the finals. I have never been good in Dutch. It is easier for me to understand English than Dutch. It made me really upset, and it frustrated me a lot.
After he completed the GED program, he enrolled himself in the Junior College of Oklahoma. A story of perseverance and determination! I read another one that caught my attention. The testimonial of Charline Julien. She wrote:
“Before I was in the GED Program, I finished my MAVO Diploma. The step to university was too big so I decided to start with the GED Program, and it was the best decision for sure! I liked the program a lot because you did not feel any pressure. Students get all the time to finish, and they can ask for lots of help if they need so. The online tests are also helping a lot. If people do understand English, they understand the GED program without a doubt. Math was the most difficult for me, but I managed to finish and I am proud of that! After completing the GED program, Charline became a Sociology student at the Bishop’s University in Canada.
The General Education Development program, offers those interested in continuing their education a chance to earn a high school equivalent credential, that would allow them to enroll in junior colleges in the US and some Canadian programs. This occasion serves as evidence that you are successful in doing what you do. While our education programs for the Dutch system, I have been informed that past academic year the Faculty of Hospitality of our own University of Aruba, adopted a temporary policy to admit students with a GED-certification.
I must say, regretfully, it remains a challenge to give each and every one equal chances, in education systems that are very different to each other. I believe that everyone, each person that has the will and motivation to study, to develop themselves to be well prepared to pursue a career, will find a way to do so, and will inspire and expect from us, to create opportunities for them. Because it is through continued education, that we can pursue career options that will benefit us and the wellbeing of our family. No one should be left behind!
This evening is and should be about you! I am sure there are some very important people in your life that gave you support to get you, where you are today. Your families and friends who have encouraged you and guided you. Also, your teachers, fellow students and colleague that were there for you. Sometimes some of us maybe, we have no one. And that is ok too. In that case, be extra proud of yourself and give yourself a big hug.
I would like to thank the leadership and teachers of the GED-program for their time and dedication. Congratulations teachers, for a job well done with these graduates. From now on, don’t forget to be thankful and grateful every day. Be thankful and grateful to have the support, grateful for your own capacity and competencies that brought you to this point and especially grateful that you now have a world of new opportunities waiting for you. There must be no way in stopping you now. 4D as I mention at the beginning of my speech stand for desire, discipline, dedication and determination to achieve your goals in live. I look forward to read your testimonials on the GED website in the near future. Thank you, International School of Aruba. Congratulations graduates. Hopi exito. Masha Pabien. Masha danki!