ORANJESTAD – Dia 29 di April 2022 Aruba Airport Authority N.V. (AAA) su “Board of Supervisory Directors” y Accionista (Pais Aruba), den presencia di maneho y auditor financiero externo a aproba y adopta AAA su Reporte Anual 2021, incluyendo e statementnan financiero.
E recuperacion di trafico aereo y consecuentemente e cantidad di pasahero cu a wordo atendi na Aeropuerto Internacional Reina Beatrix (AUA Airport) tabata mas fuerte cu a premira inicialmente pa 2021. E prome kwartaal a mustra un recuperacion hopi lento saliendo for di 2020, pero diripente a mustra un recuperacion fuerte pa e resto di 2021. Compara cu 2020 e cantidad di pasahero a aumenta cu 103% pa un total di 1,842,864 pasahero cu ta nifica un recuperacion di 69% compara cu 2019 (pre-pandemia). E recuperacion a resulta den 28 destinacion regular door di 25 aerolinea den 2021.
Joost Meijs, CEO di AAA: “Nos vision redifini y strategia lo duna nos e guia siguiendo pa dilanti y ta maximaliza nos balor agrega na un economia sostenibel y e comunidad di Aruba. Mi ta extende palabranan di gratitud inmenso na nos empleadonan di AAA y e comunidad completo di aeropuerto cu a contribui na e resultadonan alcansa durante e ultimo añanan desafiante: e aerolineanan, e pasaheronan, nos business partners, representante di e autoridadnan, e Board of Supervisory Directors, nos accionista, y principalmente nos empleadonan.”
Pa un resumen di e Reporte Annual 2021 bishita https://www.airportaruba.com/press-releases
Di robez pa drechi: – Garrick de Cuba, Associate Partner na Ernst & Young Accountants, Albert Braamskamp, Secretary of the Board of Supervisory Directors, Alfredo Nicolaas, Board Member, Hubert Dirks, Board Member, Aisha Anthony, CFO AAA, Joost Meijs, CEO AAA, Minister Danguillaume Oduber, Minister di Turismo y Salud, Fin Bonset, Chair of the Supervisory Board, Sven Faarup, Board Member
Amidst a new strategy and adjusted organization:
Aruba Airport Authority N.V. sees growth in 2021
ORANJESTAD – On April the 29th the Board of Supervisory Directors and Shareholder (Aruba), in presence of management and the external financial auditor, have approved and adopted Aruba Airport Authority’s Annual Report 2021, including the financial statements.
The recovery of air traffic and consequently passengers handled at Aeropuerto Internacional Reina Beatrix (AUA Airport) was stronger than initially forecasted for the year 2021. The 1st quarter marked a very slow recovery coming out of the year 2020 but suddenly emerged as being a strong recovery year for the remainder of 2021. Compared to 2020 the number of passengers grew with 103% to a total of 1,842,864 passengers which was a recovery of 69% versus pre-pandemic year 2019. The recovery resulted in 28 destinations scheduled across 25 airlines in 2021.
Joost Meijs, CEO of AAA: “Our redefined vision and strategy will give us guidance in the times to come and maximizes our added value to a sustainable economy and community in Aruba. I like to extend my heartfelt gratitude to our own AAA employees and the entire airport community who contributed to the results achieved during the challenging last years: the airlines, the passengers, our business partners, representatives of authorities, the board of supervisory directors, our shareholder, and most importantly our employees.”
For a summary of the AAA Annual Report 2021 please visit https://www.airportaruba.com/press-releases
From left to right: – Mr. Garrick de Cuba, Associate Partner at Ernst & Young Accountants, Mr. Albert Braamskamp, Secretary of the Board of Supervisory Directors, Mr. Alfredo Nicolaas, Board Member, Mr. Hubert Dirks, Board Member, Aisha Anthony, CFO AAA, Joost Meijs, CEO AAA, Minister Danguillaume Oduber, Minister of Tourism and Health, Mr. Fin Bonset, Chair of the Supervisory Board, Mr. Sven Faarup, Board Member