Encuesta di e impacto di COVID-19 riba nos recien graduadonan / Survey on the impact of COVID-19 on recent Aruban graduates

ORANJESTAD – Departamento di Labor y Investigacion (DAO) den colaboracion cu studiantenan di Facultad di Organization, Governance and Management (OGM) di Universidad di Aruba (UA) ta pidi encarecidamente bo cooperacion pa participa den nos encuesta. E encuesta lo ta habri for di 25 di mei 2021 te cu 11 di juni 2021. 

COVID-19 ta un pandemia cu a afecta henter mundo. E pandemia no solamente a haci impacto den e area di salud pero tambe a afecta Aruba su economia y mercado laboral. Pa e motibo aki DAO conhuntamente cu studiantenan di UA ta investigando e impacto di COVID-19 riba e mercado laboral pa loke ta trata e graduadonan di aña escolar 2018-2019 y aña escolar 2019-2020. 

Con pa participa? 

E encuesta ta pa studiantenan cu a gradua durante e aña escolar 2018-2019 of aña escolar 2019-2020 y cu ta interesa pa subi mercado laboral di Aruba. Bo ta cordialmente invita pa yena e encuesta aki si bo a gradua na Aruba of den exterior y si bo ta interesa pa drenta mercado laboral di Aruba. E encuesta ta completamente anonimo y lo uza e resultadonan pa e investigacion aki solamente. Pa yena e encuesta, copia e link aki den bo browser of Ctrl+Click riba e link aki: 


Si bo persona ta cumpli cu e rekisito ariba menciona, nos ta encurasha bo persona pa participa door di yena e encuesta aki. Nos kier a gradici bo persona di antemano pa bo cooperacion. Pa mas informacion of si bo tin un pregunta, bo persona por tuma contacto cu Bureau Arbeidsmarktonderzoek di DAO na number di telefon 5237718 of manda un email pa simon.brete@aruba.gov.aw of survey2021graduates@gmail.com.

Survey on the impact of COVID-19 on recent Arubangraduates

The Department of Labor and Research (DAO) in collaboration with students from the faculty of Organizational, Governance and Management (OGM) of the University of Aruba (UA) are requesting your cooperation to participate in a survey. This survey will be open from May 25, 2021 till June 11, 2021.  

Covid-19 has been a global phenomenon. While much of the focus has inevitably been on the health implications of the pandemic, attention is increasingly growing on its economic and labor market implications. Therefore, the DAO is conducting research on the impact of COVID-19 in the labor market on those who have graduated in the academic year of 2018-2019 or the academic year 2019-2020.   

How can you participate?

This survey is aimed at Arubans who graduated in the academic year of 2018-2019 or the academic year 2019-2020. You are eligible to fill the survey if you have graduated in Aruba or abroad and if you are interested to work in the Aruban labor market. The survey is anonymous, and the results will be used for research purposes.


You are encouraged to complete the survey if you comply with the criteria to participate. We thank you in advance for your cooperation. For more information or if you have any questions, you could call at telephone 5237720 or send an email tosimon.brete@aruba.gov.aw or survey2021graduates@gmail.com.


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