Manehador di quadracer cu a accidenta a bira e 4 morto den trafico!

Dialuna atardi despues di e accidente na Caya Eleuterio “Boes” Orman, ambulans a transporta e victima cu sumo urgencia pa hospital. Na yegada di e ambulans na hospital a purba haci nan maximo esfuerzo pero pa 19:39 Dr. a constata morto di e victima Michael Gerard J.d.J. Howell naci 18 di January 1994 na Aruba y tabata biba na Pos Chikito. E ta tata di 2 criatura chikito. Na famianan di e fayecido nos ta extende nos mas sincero palabranan di condolencia.


3 thoughts on “Manehador di quadracer cu a accidenta a bira e 4 morto den trafico!

  1. We need better paramedics. Police officers need to be trained as 1st aid responder. Not just 1st one on site. These paramedics need training and must know how to treat injured. I saw them in operation and it is poor knowledge. Send them out for training and studies. They need to be like doctors. That is the only way people will survive.

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